Saturday, January 12, 2008

Very soon, Pealords will undergo expansion, as I may or may not have written under the first post. I forget. Any members who wish to recruit your friends, please find any jr master or GM. Seeing as it's school term, usually Darth is the only one on. Me. *sniffle*
I'll try to get the emails of members up soon.

Anyone willing to donate to the ever-worthy cause of expansion, please feel free :DD

I'm still trying to decide whether I should do a Mega Recruitment, or keep this private. I dont think private is a viable option for now, seeing as many of us are busy with school, so i guess Mega it is. Writing stuff out really does clear the mind...=/

Just a gentle reminder, noobex and vana, ur gold manutes are ready for collection.

Anyone who wants an Ancient Scroll, do notify me before i sell it off!


Edit: I've decided to arrange for buy and sell on this blog for our own members. If you have something to sell, take a screenshot [press scroll lock ingame and later retrieve from your maplestory folder] and post it here under the Buy and Sell Post. If you are buying, either get ss or describe / list your wanted item. Try not to hotlink to hidden-street, they may not like it if they find out >__> *shiver*


Anonymous said...

how much is the ancient srcoll & will there be like update on prices here?

Anonymous said...

opss wrong section ps -.-